Local Training Resouces
BTA relies heavily on local resources to guide its members to the best training experience. This ensures all level of athletes can be accommodated regardless of their location. These are examples of clubs and groups for helping you develop your fitness, endurance and race-day performance while having fun.

All Womens Tri Team
Triathlon Club
activities in a variety of settings and locations, and developing a network of
like-minded individuals who share the enthusiasm of helping others.

Realizing Your Potential Everyday (RYPE)
Triathlon Club
RYPE – Realizing Your Potential Everyday – provides the resources you need to develop your inner “Triathlete”! Multi-sport training and coaching, nutrition counseling and educational clinics are all at your fingertips to help you stretch your goals and cross that finish line! RYPE inspires women to TRI!

District Triathlon
Triathlon Club

Diversity in Aquatics
Swimming Program

Black Girl Swim
Swimming Club

Black Girls Do Bike
Cycling Club

Tri It for Life
Triathlon Club
Since 2006, more than 2100 women athletes supported by over 1200 mentors have crossed the finished line. Join the thousands of women that have made this journey to become triathletes by saying, “Yes, I CAN!”